While getting the poor protection status error followed by the following warning “No events from ModSecurity for X days“
Please check the Apache error log for Mod Security error.
grep ModSec /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
If the output of the Error is as follows :
[Mon Sep 02 00:31:18.683516 2019] [:notice] [pid 3456455] ModSecurity: Status engine is currently disabled, enable it by set SecStatusEngine to On.
Please add the “SecStatusEngine On” in the following configuration file ” /etc/apache2/conf.d/modsec2.imunify.conf” and restart the apache service.
sudo systemctl restart httpd
Please be sure that your imunify Mod Security Specific Settings of cPanel are as follows.
The recommended Mod Security settings for cPanel are:
Audit Log Level — Only log noteworthy transactions
Connections Engine — Do not process the rules
Rules Engine — Process the rules